Join me in this program in which for 1h 40m you'll stop and hit the reset button of your life, It's your time, your moment to reconnect.
You'll be connecting with yourself and others in a kind and compassionate circle of connection. I will personally coach this 6 week's program which is a sensory journey designed to help you pause, and connect with yourself through Yin Yoga, deep breathwork, meditation and sound in a safe space to help you find your inner resources to help you to live a better and happier life.
Shamanic & Circular Breathing for emotional tension release, to heal, connect and integrate body, mind & soul
OAKLIFT_Body & Soul Integration - Community Wellness
7.00 pm to 8:45 pm
For change to happen trauma and tension must be released from the body.
In this program, we’ll use a few disciplines with the intention to release tension, stress anxiety and overwhelm from our system that creates a highly aroused, alert state in our bodies.
Traumatic experiences are taken in as fragments rather than whole experiences and are stored in our somatic (body) memory to be processed at a later time when it is safe to do so in a connected and loving way.
The energy of the trauma is stored in our body tissues (primarily muscles and fascia) until it can be released. This stored trauma typically leads to pain and progressively erodes a body's health. Emotions are the vehicles the body relies on to find balance after trauma.
Trapped emotions usually mean that the true self wants to express something that the false self doesn’t want us to express. This repressed negative emotional energy can express in resentment, poor decision-making, self-sabotage, overreaction, increased stress and anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, shame, anger, guilt…
Celebrate the spirit of the warrior, it starts out steady and then picks up steam with an invigorating flow. In the end, there is a sweet wind down leaving you feeling strong, balanced and clear.
The Dancing Warrior sequence consists of four standing poses: Warrior I, Warrior II, Humble Warrior, Reverse Warrior and Side Angle Pose. These postures are the base of the standing sequence and can literally remind someone how to find their roots and stand strong. Warrior poses are here to challenge us. They invite us to look at the demons in our minds instead of running from them. If you can work through the full body trembles of Warrior by letting go of the story you’re telling yourself - and instead riding it out through your breathing, you can handle anything that comes your way throughout the day.
Yin Yoga is a style of yoga practice that targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.
When holding each posture bring your awareness to anything that you believe no longer serves you. As you exhale, visualize this negative energy leaving your body and breath in positive and peaceful energy. Releasing any stress or worry and filling your mind and body with positive high-frequency vibrations. Yin Yoga has many amazing benefits but below are some of the key benefits you may begin to feel after a regular yin practice:
Stillness: calms and balances the mind and body
Stress and anxiety reduction
Increased circulation
Improved flexibility
Fascial release
Breathwork has the power to give practitioners control over their stress, anxiety, depression, digestion, sleep, and mood, just to name a few of the most profound benefits. I’ve seen Breathwork lead to breakthroughs in a single session.
To live a better and sustainable life,
Let go of the tensions accumulated in the body,
Master your emotions,
Harness your body natural pharmacy,
Access to unlimited energy,
Happier life
Or circular breathing which means not taking any pauses between the inhalation and the exhalation, it's circular rhythmical breathing.
It acts as a bridge between the different levels of your mind and takes you deeper and deeper into yourself, into the unknown places within, so that you can shine a light of awareness upon them, discovering and releasing them from your body.
Circular Energy Breathing
Holotropic Breathing
Shamanic Breathwork
Regulates your nervous system
More calmness (and less anxiety/stress)
More self-acceptance (and less depression)
Aids with digestion
Improves sleep quality
Improves immune function (which means you stay healthy for longer)
Alkalizes your blood and decrease inflammation in the body
Enhances mental clarity and focus
Relieves stress and anxiety
Lowers blood pressure
Release trauma and stored emotions can be cathartic.
Increase energy and focus
Reduces heart rate
Changes the blood PH
Boosts intuition and creativity
Enhances feelings of connection with others
Increases mindfulness and appreciation of life
Can result in a mystical experience or deep spiritual insights
Meditation is a simple and direct way to “see things as they are,” free from distortion. In seeing ourselves and the world with greater clarity, we begin to bring understanding to our habitual patterns of being.
Through the sustained cultivation of mindfulness and concentration, the mind gradually learns to let go of its conditioning and begins to experience a kind of peace that is independent of changing circumstances.
Discover powerful meditation techniques to calm your mind, and release daily anxiety & stress from your body.
Manifest your goals through intention setting.
Increase happiness in your life.
Develop your human consciousness.
Heighten your emotional intelligence.
Connect with creativity and intuition.