A. Strategic Intervention (also known as SI) is a dynamic style of coaching that can help anyone, any group or organization take action towards achieving different results. By taking these ‘actions’, taught by SI Coaches, clients make permanent and lasting changes.
A. A Strategic Intervention coach (SI) has gone through extensive training in a variety of disciplines and strategies that allow us to handle all aspects of a person’s life. We are trained to identify a multitude of obstacles that hold people back (such a internal values, communication styles, personal relationships, and their life stages). From there, we prescribe strategies to create different results in those areas, as opposed to allowing clients to discover their own path (like some traditional coaching methods). SI clients learn about themselves and their needs, triggers, key relationships, safe problems, and they learn to shift their mindset to thinking more creatively, while seeing the great potential that exists in all aspects of their life. This allows them to overcome any obstacles and fears that have had limiting effects on having more joy and progress.
A. Yes SI is diverse enough to help mostly anyone. It includes goal setting (reverse engineering), communication and conflict-resolution skill building, relationship solutions, peak performance training, meaning-making and purpose discovery, and uses creative methods to help anyone, or organization, take action towards their dreams.
A. The term “Strategic Intervention” was founded by Cloe Madanes, Mark & Magali Peysha and Anthony Robbins in 2002. It grew out of many decades of study in the areas of Human Development Psychology, Ayurveda, Strategic Family Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Human Needs Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Neurolinguistics, Psychology of Influence, and traditions of diplomacy and negotiation, among others. The goal was to establish a new tradition within the helping industry that could empower coaches, teachers, leaders, and health practitioners to create change.
Tony Robbins & Cloe Madanes have been grounded in the work of the Gregory Bateson group at the Mental Research Institute, which in the late 1950′s originated the new paradigm of interactional and systemic studies. That became a watershed in the development of disciplines such as game theory, cybernetics, neurolinguistics, organizational psychology, management psychology, and dozens of other systemic disciplines”. Cloe Madanes, who has been associated with this project for four decades, is now the senior member of this tradition. Cloe has recognized Anthony Robbins as one of its most highly skilled thinkers and practitioners. Both Tony & Cloe have been greatly influenced by the works and insights Victor Frankl and Milton Erickson.
A. Medical practitioners, such as doctors, nurses, allied health providers, and hospital administrators are using SI to improve the healing process for their clients and families. Having a nursing background myself certainly allows me to provide a more holistic perspective to all my interactions. In Industry, SI strategies are used by management, entrepreneurs, in public relations, and with political leaders to create understanding, personal accountability, and higher standards for achievement. Teachers and educators all over the world are using SI with their students.
Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi are examples of masterful Strategic Interventionists that transcend the particularities of religion, culture, institution, job description, or political philosophy (as Strategic Intervention should.)”
A. The goal of Strategic Intervention is to learn as much about you or your organization as possible (relationships, habits, patterns and dreams) to integrate the core insights of these traditions to help you take action. Although Lynn has several strategies available to help, you’ll find this experiences highly customized to improve your life. You will be heard, noticed, uplifted, and represented with the utmost respect to achieve health, and improved relationships. You will be offered numerous strategies over your sessions that enable you to gain clarity over the “big picture” of your life. More on the RMT centre, click here and all about their mission, click here.
Similarities between Success Coaching and Therapy:
Both professions are based on an ongoing, confidential, one-to-one relationship between the practitioner and their client.
Clients come to both services wanting change.
Both professions assume that significant change will only occur over time.
Within the both relationships, regular sessions are scheduled, during which conversations occur.
Other similarities of practice exist.
Differences between Coaching and Therapy:
The context of the relationship, condition of the client, and content of the sessions differ between the two professions as follows.
Coaches work with people who are:
Eager to move to a higher level of functioning.
Seeking focus, strategy, and motivation.
Asking “How to?” questions.
Designing their future.
Learning new skills.
Seeking more balance in their lives.
Therapists work with people who are:
Seeking self-understanding.
Asking “Why?” questions.
Dealing with past issues, emotional pain or traumas.
Psychologically challenged in a quantifiable way.
Q. How is Coaching Different from Consulting?
A. Consulting and Coaching differ greatly. Consulting requires that the consultant have expertise in the area that the client seeks advice, whereas Coaches do not advise their clients at all. Coaches do not need to have specific knowledge or experience in the topic area that the client wishes to improve. The Coach instead offers expertise in the change, goal attainment, and accountability process, which is effective regardless of whether the client is seeking to lose weight, make changes in their business, learn a new skill, or stop a habit. In some cases, however, when a Coach offers a niche form of coaching (for example, health, fitness, business startup, purpose, team building, etc), the coach does have expertise and knowledge about their particular niche and does provide advise based on such knowledge. The differentiation between niche coaching and consulting is that the consultant holds the power in the relationship, however in a coaching relationship the partnership holds the power.
Distinctions among SI Coaching, Therapy, and Consulting.
Strategic Intervention Coaching:
Client status - Client is creative, resourceful, and whole; wants forward movement and results.
Who is the expert? - Client is the expert In some niche coaching cases, the coach is the expert.
Questions? - Asks what questions.
Time focus - Focus on present/future.
Agenda - Client’s.
Problem solving - Client solves problem.
Client status - Client needs/wants healing.
Who is the expert? - Therapist is the expert.
Questions? - Asks why questions.
Time focus - Focus on past/present.
Agenda - Therapist’s.
Problem solving - Problem is analyzed/may or may not be solved, “Why is this happening?” is primary focus.
Client status - Client needs advice, solutions, or help.
Who is the expert? - Consultant is the expert.
Questions? - Answers questions.
Time focus - Focus on present/future.
Agenda - Consultant’s.
Problem solving - Consultant solves the problem.