OAKLIFT connects two words OAK + LIFT. The OAK (from my Surname - Carvalho in Portuguese), which is the national tree of many countries, primarily symbolizes strength and endurance. Other qualities associated with the oak tree include protection, success and stability. In addition to representing qualities related to power and durability, the oak tree was considered a bearer of good luck, fertility, potency, healing and health by the Druids. Known as the king of the forest for its strength and longevity, the oak is most sacred to the Druids and the word Druid comes from the Celtic word for oak ‘Duir’. and LIFT, which means picking up and moving to a different position, to raise to a higher position or level. So, all together brings the strength and power to rise above any circumstance in life.
Luis Carvalho
My name is Luis, I’m a Certified Breathwork, Embodiment & Transformation & Coach, Strategic Interventionist, Speaker, Somatic Healer, Power Yoga, Yin Yoga & Meditation Instructor.
I help people feel safe, open, connected and willing to bridge the gap between trauma, stuckness and lack of fulfilment, into purpose and growth.
Let me help you create a life story you’ll love telling and will inspire others!
Let’s work it out together…
You can do this.
My Story
My own healing journey began after more than a decade of spiritual and emotional abuse with a severe illness, divorce, losing my job, moving to another country, and loss of my parents and later my beloved brother to chronic disease. As a survivor of over a decade of abuse and coercive control, and manipulation, I know well the dark face of spirituality and how so many of us get caught in co-dependency behaviours. On the other hand, I understand how the material world keeps us disconnected from our true nature finding fulfilment outside of us. There was a time when I engaged in self-defeating behaviours that most of us engaged in after abusive relationships.
I’ve struggled for years with trauma and tension, and I’ve come to a point in my life where my mindset wasn’t working anymore, healing was needed inside my body, and repressed emotions needed to be felt, validated and seen... This process of the dark night of the soul led me to awaken and pursue a new direction in life.
When I finally paused all the noise and started connecting with my body through breathwork, it was a game changer, somatic healing started to happen in my life. I've started releasing years of abuse, tension, trauma and what no longer served me, and with that, I've learned the importance of body and soul integration. The result was beautiful I was more grounded, and connected with my body, mind, emotions and inner guidance… Even my chronic migraines were gone.
I'm healing the chronic fatigue and adrenal meltdown that manifested as a result of years of psychological abuse. The life I have now is even better than I could have ever imagined, I no longer suffer from cognitive dissonance, trauma symptoms are healing and my self-esteem is higher than it has ever been in my life.
After 20 years as an Art & Design Professional and Lecturer, I’ve trained extensively in the holistic healing arts and personal development for over a decade. I am continually researching and training in this field of interest. The diversity of my studies spans Strategic Intervention/ Transformation Coaching to Insight Meditation (Vipassana), Yin Yoga, Breathwork Instructor, extracting the most practical and effective forms of strategic action and communication from a variety of disciplines: Ericksonian therapy, Strategic Family Therapy, Human Needs Psychology, Somatic Psychology, Breathwork, Organizational Psychology, Neurolinguistics, Psychology of Influence, Strategic Studies, Traditions of Diplomacy and Negotiation, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Trauma & Emotional Release Exercises, and others.
My speciality is a holistic approach based on the middle way of the heart, to help you find your purpose, and bring you back home to be yourself, free to be the real you.
My speciality is a holistic approach based on the middle way of the heart, to help you find your purpose, and bring you back home to be yourself, free to be the real you.
My Purpose
My life purpose is to be my true self, uninhibited by fear and control. I want to be a light source that inspires others to live authentically and with passion. I want to stand up for what I believe in and contribute positively to my community and the world. My deepest wish is to give something beautiful to this world, something that breaks through our barriers and reaches the soul. I want to leave this world knowing I made it a better place.
My Mission
My mission is to be a safe space where you and I feel grounded, connected, open and authentic. And from that place, to serve and inspire people at a higher level, helping them to unlock the sparkle of being alive, excel to their full potential and live a life beyond their dreams.
My Vision
Imagine a world where you can overcome any conditioning, a place that encourages free thinking, personal development, and connection that supports and helps you expand to live an extraordinary life.
“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”
Khalil Gibran

Luis Education & Training
INNER CHILD WORK & PROTECTORS: Parts Work Internal Family Systems (IFS) 2024 - Jay Early
SOMATIC BREATHWORK TRAINING 2023 - Trauma-Release Touch Techniques & Emotional Release Breathwork
MICHAEL BIJKER Training - YOGALAP - certified Life Awareness™ Breathwork Instructor (Yoga Alliance Approved Continuing Education Course).
MARCEL HOF Training (Wim Hof brother): DOPAMINE activation Breathing, Deep immersion Cold Exposure, Quantum Hypnosis & HOF CHI.
200hr YOGA - Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance Approved Continuing Education Course) Samarthya (Sam), Preetika & Meera Bhatnagar.
UNSHAKEABLE CHALLENGE 2023 - TONY ROBBINS [5 DAYS CHALLENGE] How To TRULY Transform From Who You Are To Who You Are Meant To Be!
EMBRACING ALL OF YOU Compassionate Inquiry (CI) Meets Internal Family Systems (IFS) TRAINING WITH: Gabor Maté, MD, developed Compassionate Inquiry, Richard “Dick” Schwartz, PhD, developed Internal Family Systems, which is a powerfully transformative, evidence-based model of psychotherapy.
BREATHWORK Challenge - 5 Primary Traumas Imprint Journey - Brian Kelly, Certified Breath Coach
BREATHWORK - Bootcamp (A comprehensive Breathwork course) Josh Seiler, Top Breathwork Coach
BREATHWORK Teacher Training Certificate (Yoga Alliance Approved Continuing Education Course) Jessica Fleming - Anjali Yoga
BREATHWORK Challenge - MB30 Breathwork Activation - Brian Kelly, Certified Breath Coach
TRE - TRAUMA RECOVERY EXERCISES - TRE Australia Richmond Heath - Physiotherapist & the National Coordinator of TRE in Australia.
YIN YOGA - Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance Approved Continuing Education Course) Samarthya (Sam), Preetika & Meera Bhatnagar
THE WISDOM OF TRAUMA - Dr Gabor Maté MD + 7-Day Teaching Series on Trauma with Leading Experts
Shadow Work workshop - Penelope Calloway - Spiritual Guide, Doula, B.S. Family & Human Development
No bad Parts - Richard C. Schwartz, PhD. [IFS - Internal Family Systems]
Total Breakthrough - ROBBINS-MADANES Training [Anthony Robbins, Cloe Madannes, Mark & Magali Peysha]
Certified Ho’oponopono Practitioner – Dr JOE VITALE & Dr HEW LEN PhD.
The Essential Break Free Bootcamp (Break Free from Narcissist Abuse) – KIM SAEED
Conscious Parenting - SHEFALY TSABARY PhD
12 Week Sana Series | Self Healing After Narcissistic Abuse - MEREDITH MILLER
The Power of Awareness (Mindfulness Training) - JACK KORNFIELD PhD. TARA BRACH PhD.
NARCMATERS - First National Conference on Narcissistic Abuse and Coercive Control in Ireland.
Narcissistic Relationships from Surviving to Thriving - JEAN ATMAN
Life Coach - Strategic Intervention - ROBBINS-MADANES Training [Anthony Robbins, Cloe Madannes, Mark & Magali Peysha]
Somatic Approaches to Healing Trauma - ALBERT WONG, PhD.
Professional Life Coach Certification - JOEEL & NATALIE RIVERA
Flourishing in Stressful Times (Mindfulness Training) - TARA BRACH PhD.
The Fear Cure - LISSA RANKIN M.D
Re-Parent Your Inner Child - LISA J. SMITH
CBT for Depression, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic Attacks - LIBBY SEERY
Mindfulness Diploma - LIBBY SEERY
Certified Relationship Workshop Facilitator - JOEEL & NATALIE RIVERA
Goal Setting to Success - JOEEL & NATALIE RIVERA
Integrated Wellness Coaching I & II - LIBBY SEERY & PATRICK HOWELL
Mindfulness/ Meditation Guide Training - MELISSA CROWHURST
Radical Acceptance (Mindfulness Training) - TARA BRACH PhD.
Feeding your Demons Level One – LAMA TSULTRIM ALIONE
Awaken your Heart, Creativity & Wisdom (Mindfulness Training) - TARA BRACH PhD.
Awakening your Fearless Heart (Mindfulness Training) - TARA BRACH PhD.
Art & Design Lecturer - ARCA-EAC Escola de Artes de Coimbra (2003/2011)
Graphic Design & Communication College Degree - ARCA-EUAC - Coimbra
Graphic Arts - Professional Degree - ARCA-EAC - Coimbra