Are you ready to reconnect with yourself, your community, and nature?

Join us for our upcoming 3-day/2-night retreat, a Journey back to your heart. This experience is designed to help you find your inner sanctuary — a place where you feel safe, grounded, and connected. It’s an invitation to express yourself fully and authentically and to engage deeply with all aspects of your life, even in the face of challenges.

You will experience connection, confrontation, community, and profound healing through this journey. You’ll have the space to embrace the full spectrum of your humanity without shame or hiding, and you’ll reconnect with your primal and elemental nature. As a community, we will laugh, cry, scream, and share our gifts and grief.

The world around you is in trouble…

  • Stress, anxiety and depression are up by 70%.

  • Antidepressants are up by 400%.

  • So many people suffer in silence.

  • I bet you know some of those people…

  • Perhaps you ARE one of them…

  • We live in massively uncertain times.

This means ... You need to take a massively different course of action.

DAY 1 | Preparing for change

Discover the powerful forces that shape your decisions and your destiny. Identify what creates pain and pleasure in your life, and learn how to create more of what you really want. Develop the emotional muscle that will feed and strengthen your ability to meet your deepest needs.

  • Understanding the Shadow

  • Overcoming Self-Sabotage

  • Breaking Through Toxic Emotions

  • Discovering Your Unmet Needs

  • Breaking the Trance of Denial

  • Processing Pain and Hurt

  • Uncovering Unconscious Patterns

  • The Triad: Three Forces That Shape All Human Emotions and Behaviours.

DAY 2 | Embrace your transformation

With anxiety, depression, and stress on the climb, have you ever wondered how you can understand your reactions to life’s challenges and stressors? Did you know that you can map your own nervous system? Furthermore, you’ll understand the root causes and reconcile your inner world.

  • Finding Safety in the Face of Fear

  • Processing Anger and Rage

  • Excuses Keeping You Stuck

  • The Gifts of Standing Up to Your Power

  • The Sacred State of Surrender

  • Bringing Peace into Your Pain

  • The Path to Wholeness

DAY 3 | Integrate your destiny

Imagine living every day with unbelievable clarity - where everything you think, say, believe, feel, want and do is directed toward one powerful outcome. Imagine knowing that you are the master of your experience and that you are totally in control of each moment of your life

  • Healing the gap between ego and Spirit

  • Craft Your Mission Statement for a Life of Purpose

  • How to Create Your Vision

  • Make Changes That Last

  • Integrate Your Emotional Transformation with Your Life at the Deepest Level


For change to happen trauma and tension must be released from the body.

In the retreat, we’ll use a few disciplines with the intention to release traumatic experiences, tension and overwhelm from our system that creates a highly aroused, alert state in our bodies.

Traumatic experiences are taken in as fragments rather than whole experiences and are stored in our somatic (body) memory to be processed at a later time when it is safe to do so in a connected and loving way.

The energy of the trauma is stored in our body tissues (primarily muscles and fascia) until it can be released. This stored trauma typically leads to pain and progressively erodes a body's health. Emotions are the vehicles the body relies on to find balance after trauma.

Trapped emotions usually mean that the true self wants to express something that the false self doesn’t want us to express. This repressed negative emotional energy can express in resentment, poor decision-making, self-sabotage, overreaction, increased stress and anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, shame, anger, guilt…


Celebrate the spirit of the warrior, it starts out steady and then picks up steam with an invigorating flow. In the end, there is a sweet wind down leaving you feeling strong, balanced and clear.

The Dancing Warrior sequence consists of four standing poses: Warrior I, Warrior II, Humble Warrior, Reverse Warrior and Side Angle Pose. These postures are the base of the standing sequence and can literally remind someone how to find their roots and stand strong. Warrior poses are here to challenge us. They invite us to look at the demons in our minds instead of running from them. If you can work through the full body trembles of Warrior by letting go of the story you’re telling yourself - and instead riding it out through your breathing, you can handle anything that comes your way throughout the day.


Yin Yoga class is one of the best ways to not only increase flexibility but it will also help you release any stored negative energy from your body. Emotional energy, (if not dealt with or released) over time will manifest as physical illness in your body. Whether that is as sickness, or simple muscle aches and tension.

Yin Yoga is a style of yoga practice that targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.

When holding each posture bring your awareness to anything that you believe no longer serves you. As you exhale, visualize this negative energy leaving your body and breath in positive and peaceful energy. Releasing any stress or worry and filling your mind and body with positive high-frequency vibrations.

Yin Yoga has many amazing benefits but below are some of the key benefits you may begin to feel after a regular yin practice:

  • Stillness: calms and balances the mind and body

  • Stress and anxiety reduction

  • Increased circulation

  • Improved flexibility

  • Fascial release


Breathwork has the power to give practitioners control over their stress, anxiety, depression, digestion, sleep, and mood, just to name a few of the most profound benefits. I’ve seen Breathwork lead to breakthroughs in a single session.

  • Live a better and sustainable life,

  • Let go of the tensions accumulated in the body,

  • Master your emotions,

  • Harness your body natural pharmacy,

  • Access to unlimited energy,

  • Happier life

Circular rhythmical breathing Practices for the retreat

  • Dopamine Activation Breathing (Morning)

  • Shamanic Breathwork (Afternoon/ Evening)

  • Rebirthing Breath (Evening)


Also known as Conscious Energy Breathing (CEB). Rebirth is based on Conscious connected breathing - which means not taking any pauses between the inhale and the exhale, it's circular rhythmical breathing that acts as a bridge between the different levels of your mind and takes you deeper and deeper into yourself, into the unknown places of yourself so that you can shine a light of awareness upon them, discovering and releasing them out.

So it's a beautiful internal journey combined with spiritual psychology and spiritual purification with the elements of nature. This combination of the three makes rebirthing actually a way of life. It's a beautiful internal journey combined with spiritual psychology and spiritual purification with the elements. This combination of the three makes rebirthing actually a way of life. All the unprocessed, or repressed, emotions as having a physical impact on the body. This could be caused by trauma or because the emotions were too difficult or painful to deal with at the time.

Rebirthing breath is all about surrender, it's about allowing the exhale to let go again and again and again and connect more with trust and the willingness to experience and realise that we are held by mother earth, by the universe, by life itself.


A fire ceremony is a powerful Shamanic practice used to release unwanted energies and attachments from the past and make space for new intentions.

A fire ceremony can be used to release unhappy memories, fears, negative emotions, and anything that you are holding onto that doesn’t serve your Higher Self.  By releasing these unwanted energies and old patterns into the fire, you are healing at the soul level.

Fire allows for rapid transformation. It provides the avenue to let go of the old story and drama, to transform, to renew and to be reborn. Through the fire ceremony, you honour your lessons and old belief structures by placing them in the fire and turning them over to Spirit. By releasing these old patterns and beliefs into the fire, you heal deeply at the level of the soul without having to experience them at the literal and physical levels.


Once you have begun your Breathwork practice, the next step is Deep Immersion Cold Exposure.

To enhance your well-being and maintain optimal performance in all aspects of your life? Cold water immersion is part of the whole experience. Since the dawn of mankind, cold water therapy has been one of the best tools for achieving optimal health. It’s free, it’s accessible to nearly everyone, and it has countless health benefits that can totally transform your life.

Believe it or not, there are some great benefits to performing cold water swimming! Here is a brief summary:

  • It boosts your immune system

  • It gives you a natural high

  • It improves your circulation

  • It increases your libido

  • It burns calories

  • It reduces stress

  • It is a great way of socialising and making new friends


Meditation is a simple and direct way to “see things as they are,” free from distortion. In seeing ourselves and the world with greater clarity, we begin to bring understanding to our habitual patterns of being.

Through the sustained cultivation of mindfulness and concentration, the mind gradually learns to let go of its conditioning and begins to experience a kind of peace that is independent of changing circumstances.

Discover powerful meditation techniques to calm your mind, and release daily anxiety & stress from your body.

  • Manifest your goals through intention setting.

  • Increase happiness in your life.

  • Develop your human consciousness.

  • Heighten your emotional intelligence.

  • Connect with creativity and intuition.


Discover creative ways to support mental wellness. Creating art can lead to a better understanding of feelings and behaviours so that one can move on to solving deeper problems (stress, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, trauma,…).

We passionately use art therapy to help our participants express and deal with the stresses of everyday life, and explore thoughts and difficult emotions. Art is not only a powerful healing approach but also a preventive measure helping mental well-being, self-discovery and personal growth.


You'll connect with yourself and others in a kind and compassionate circle of connection. I will personally coach you in this sensory journey designed to help you pause, and connect with yourself in a safe space to help you find your inner resources.



The event will be a 3-day full immersion, with limited spaces, and the accommodation will be shared (only because of the logistics, with meals included )

  • Day 1 starts at 10 am.

  • Day 2, starts at 8 am.

  • Day 3, starts at 8 am and will finish at 5 pm.

The time will be managed to create a good connection and flow in the group, between workshops, practices, meals, rest, fun or even time to oneself in a safe place to help you reconnect with your inner guidance.

If you came from out of Cork County, I would recommend you stay the previous night in Skibbereen, and from there, it’s a short drive to Cunnamore Pier, or get a lift (with someone that comes from Cork). As we progress, I’ll be creating a What’s app group with all the participants.


Sharing/ accommodation and meals are included in the price and will be provided by Craig & Claudia from the Roaring Water Lodge recently took over the retreat accommodation and catering.

Our max capacity for groups is 14.  We believe the essence of group and retreat trips is getting to share experiences with others and our sharing rooms provide the perfect balance of intimacy and space. We have 5 rooms with a minimum number of 8 guests to book in Food & Accommodation. Self Catering is available for groups smaller than 8.


Heir Island is a four-minute ferry ride from Cunnamore Pier. Please click here for directions to Cunnamore Pier.

The event will start at 10 am, so be on the Cunnamore Pier early to park there and ensure your place on the boat, the boat only has a capacity for 12 but, will do as many crosses as it needs to make sure everybody will get there. The Cross will take 4 minutes and I’ll welcome you on the other side.

The M.V. Thresher is Heir Island’s official ferry service, which operates all year round. No booking is required for scheduled ferries. The ferry is licensed to carry 12 passengers at a time. For questions, please call 086-8092447 or visit

Ferry Timetable

Saturday & Sunday - 9.30 - 12.00 - 14.00 - 16.00 - 18.00

Monday to Friday - 8.20 - 10.00 - 12.00 - 14.00 - 16.00 - 18.00

Fares (Return Tickets) €6


We are aiming for lovely weather but this Ireland, evenings could be chilly, so bring a few cosy clothes

  • Yoga mat

  • Cushion (or pillow)

  • block

  • Sleeping bag or blanket

  • Swimming gear

  • Comfortable and practical clothes (like trainers, sports shoes, yoga pants,…)


HEIR ISLAND RETREAT CENTER | West Cork | Wild Atlantic Way

Wide seascapes, sandy beaches, glorious sunsets, wildflowers, rocky coves, rambling walks and stunning views – welcome to Heir Island Retreat. Situated on an island within Roaring Water Bay, West Cork on the Wild Atlantic Way, it is perfect for those seeking an escape for quiet contemplation, for rest and restoration or an inspirational creative space.

With views across the bay, its sun-filled rooms create an inspiring place to write or draw, to practice yoga or meditation – or simply just to be.

Heir Island

Retreat Center

Heir Island Sunset



I’m a Certified Breathwork, Embodiment & Transformation & Coach, Strategic Interventionist, Speaker, Somatic Healer, Power Yoga, Yin Yoga & Meditation Instructor.

I help people feel safe, open, connected and willing to bridge the gap between trauma, stuckness and lack of fulfilment, into purpose and growth.

Let me help you create a life story you’ll love telling and will inspire others!

Let’s work it out together…

You can do this.



4, 5 & 6 OF MAY


DAY 1 starts on the 4 of May at 10 am.

DAY 2, 5th of May starts at 8 am.

DAY 3, 6th of May starts at 8 am and will finish at 5 pm.

4, 5 & 6 OF OCTOBER


DAY 1 starts on the 4 of October at 10 am.

DAY 2, 5th of October starts at 8 am.

DAY 3, 6th of October starts at 8 am and will finish at 5 pm.

Three full days with an awesome and intense program to support your growth and also to give you time to enjoy such a beautiful and unique place - Heir Island.

  • Accommodation + meals will be included and will be shared rooms in the Roaring Water Lodge, where Graig and Claudia will be the hosts, the meals will be vegetarian mainly, and will be a non-alcoholic event.

  • Many of you already know me, but for those of you who haven't crossed paths with me yet, I'll be happy to have a Zoom meeting to connect and get to know each other.

  • The event will cost €650 and you can make a deposit of €150 to secure your place (it's non-refundable if you change your mind, the places are limited and deposits to secure the place are already paid). 

  • If anyone wants to pay in full, please let me know.

  • Payment has to be completely made by the end of the previous month.

  • Alternatively, the remaining €500 can be split into two parts of €250, mail me about it.

  • I look forward to spending these 3 magical days in your presence and serving you in the best way that I can and know all the way.

The Full cost of the event will be €650 (€150 Deposit + €500 Remaining value) and to secure your place, please pay €150 for the deposit and afterwards the remaining value, the links are above.

It is time to remember.

What histories do you hold?

What narratives and stories are you carrying?

Are you ready to unlearn and deprogram?

What is your soul aching for?
